The organisation of the Guidance System is supervised by the Depute Head Teacher (Student Support), working with Principal Teachers and the Heads of House. The main aims of the Guidance System are:
Guidance staff meet each Year Group once a week for Social Education.
Guidance staff are always available for consultation at Parents Meetings, but may be seen at other times by appointment. A telephone call or letter to the school will enable this to be arranged. Guidance staff may also initiate meetings with parents of individual students when mutual benefit seems likely. Parents are encouraged to contact the appropriate member of the guidance staff should they have any concerns regarding the progress of their child.
Social Education
A Social Education Programme is organised for students from First to Sixth Years and includes topics concerning relationships, careers and health education, as well as other issues relating to society today.
The Guidance Staff are responsible for writing and developing the Social Education Programme. Each class follows a scheme of work which covers the following main areas:
Student Support Group
Guidance staff meet twice monthly with Children’s Services representatives, Educational Psychologist and Community Police Officer to look at possible strategies to support students and their families who are experiencing difficulties. Parents will be consulted before their child is discussed in this group. Links with other professionals are very close and regular contact and consultation with them is part of the on-going support offered to all students.
Additional Support Needs
Delivering appropriate provision for students with additional learning needs is central to the national commitment to inclusion and is underpinned by legislation.
Midlothian Council believes that all children and young people are entitled to learn together. This helps develop a culture of acceptance within which all children have a presumptive entitlement to mainstream education and services provided to facilitate this goal. Penicuik High School is fully committed to these principles.
Support for Learning staff support students with additional needs. This generally takes place in subject classes but where appropriate students can attend our Support for Learning bases.
Interviews can be arranged with the Support for Leaning team by telephoning the school. Please do not hesitate to seek their help.
Through our Guidance Team and Support for Learning Team access can be had to various individuals and agencies such as:
Members of the Guidance Team
Mrs D Burgess, Depute Head Teacher
Clerk Maxwell House
Mrs L Wood, Acting Depute Head Teacher
Mr D Saffhill C1 + 4C3 Principal Teacher Guidance
Mrs S McLennan 4C1 + 5C5 Principal Teacher Guidance
Liddell House
Mr C Dewar, Acting Depute Head Teacher
Mrs M Murphy L2 + 5L3 Principal Teacher Guidance
Mrs M Brandie L4 + 3L3 Principal Teacher Guidance
Mr S Milligen 2C1 + 2C5 + 4L4 + 5L4 Principal Teacher Guidance