
Studying history allows pupils to develop an understanding of their local, national and international heritage and culture. By learning about the past they are able to better appreciate the world as it is today and their place within it.

History develops a wide range of skills that pupils can apply across their learning, and in the wider world. Through a range of interactive activities and discussion pupils are continuously developing the ability to independently investigate, analyse and evaluate.

Pupils who study RMPS often go on to have careers in:

  • Law
  • Politics
  • Social care/work
  • Youth work
  • Broadcasting
  • Police
  • Charity work
  • Teaching
  • Health care
  • Psychology
  • Counselling
  • Archaeologist
  • Library Studies
  • Journalism 

BGE Curriculum


In S1 the pupils follow a common course which takes in Geography, Modern Studies and History.  Over the course of the year the pupils will take each subject for a 6 week block of time.  They will keep the same teacher for this period.

Topics include:

  • The Sat Nav is broken (Mapping)
  • Stereotyping and Discrimination
  • Who was the Greatest Leader of Scotland?
  • Passport to the World (Natural Regions)
  • Let’s change the World! (organising a political campaign)
  • Murder Mystery (Who killed JFK?)

The emphasis is on building skills amongst the pupils that they use to complete a variety of tasks including extended writing, presentations, group work, story boards, poster presentations and many others.

Pupils develop critical thinking and discussion skills, along with having the opportunity to be creative and develop their own informed opinions.


In S2 pursue discreet subjects and focus on developing investigation skills through different topics.

Topics include:

  • ‘World War One changed our lives’ (An investigation into the impact of WW1)
  • Why Aren’t we Dead? (History of Medicine)

The emphasis in S2 is to allow the pupils to take ownership of their learning. In the WW1 topic pupils use a variety of sources to investigate the impact WW1 had on society. They work towards a Heritage Hero Detective award by researching, planning and creating their own shoebox trench. In the second unit, pupils focus on comparison skills. They learn about how medicine has changed and improved throughout history and demonstrate their understanding using evidence to create a poster which compares medieval and modern day medicine and explains why it has changed.

Senior Phase


In S3 pupils continue developing their BGE level 3 skills and progress into National 4/5 skills towards the end of the year. The main focus is on one unit of work, which will also be included in their final assessment at the end of S4.

In S4 pupil’s progress to the National 4/ 5 course studying a further two topics and focusing on developing exam skills such as describing, explaining, comparing and evaluating sources.

Topics include:

  • Europe and the World: Hitler and Nazi Germany
  • Scottish: Scotland and the Great War
  • British: The Atlantic Slave Trade

Assessment Information

Assessment is ongoing throughout S3 and S4 through classwork and homework with regular feedback provided by teachers and peers. Formal assessment takes the form of an end of year S3 exam in March, a ‘pre- prelim’ in September of S4 and a prelim in November of S4. These assessments are designed to steadily improve pupil confidence and exam technique.

National 3 Assessment

National 3 is achieved by the successful completion of 3 assessments. These are internally marked and completed during class time.

National 4 Assessment

National 4 is achieved by the successful completion of 3 assessments and an Added Value Unit. These are internally marked and completed during class time.

National 5 Assessment

National 5 is achieved by the successful completion of a final exam (80%) and an Added Value Assignment (20%) which is prepared in class and completed under exam conditions prior to the final exam.

Recommended entry and Progression

Entry to this course is at the discretion of the class teacher and Mr Johnstone (Principal Teacher)

Once a pupil has completed the National 5 course they can progress onto Higher History. If they have successfully developed the required skills they are also eligible for Higher Geography and RMPS at the discretion of the Principal Teacher.

S5/6 National 5 and Higher

In the senior phase pupils will be course into either National 5 or Higher depending on their success in S4. Both levels will study the same course content and skills appropriate to their level.

Topics include:

  • British:
    • National 5- The Making of Modern Britain
    • Higher- Britain 1850- 1951
  • Scottish
    • National 5- Migration and Empire
    • Higher- Migration and Empire
  • Europe and the World
    • National 5- Red Flag: Lenin and the Russian Revolution
    • Higher- Russia 1881-1921

National 5 Assessment

National 5 is achieved by the successful completion of a final exam (80%) and an Added Value Assignment (20%) which is prepared in class and completed under exam conditions prior to the final exam.

Higher Assessment

Higher is achieved by the successful completion of a final exam. This consists of two papers- Paper 1 is an essay paper and worth 44 marks, Paper 2 is a source based paper worth 36 marks.  Students will also complete an Added Value Assignment worth 30 marks. This is prepared in class and completed under exam conditions prior to the final exam.

Recommended entry and Progression

Entry into National 5 requires a pass at National 4 History or at the discretion of the class teacher. Entry into Higher requires an A, B, C pass at National 5 or an A, B, C pass in either Geography or RMPS.

S6 Advanced Higher

At Advanced Higher pupils focus on strengthening their investigation and critical thinking skills. They study one topic, in depth, for the full year and are expected to take ownership of their learning.


  • USA: ‘A House Divided’ 1850-1865


Pupils will pick, research, plan and complete a 50 mark dissertation over the course of the year. Some class time will be allocated to this work but pupils will be expected to carry out the majority of the research and planning in their study periods and own time. Teachers can provide only limited guidance and feedback on this piece of work. The dissertation is completed before the final exam and marked externally.

Advanced Higher Exam

Pupils will complete a final exam worth 90 marks. They will complete two 25 mark essays and 3 source questions worth 36 marks.

Recommended Entry and Progression

Entry into Advanced Higher requires an A, B, C pass at Higher History or an A, B, C pass in either Geography or RMPS.

Extracurricular Opportunities

In S1- S6 we run a range of trips to Surgeon’s Hall, The Bannockburn Centre, Arthur’s Seat, and the National History Museum.

The Social Subjects departments offer regular trips abroad to countries such as Italy, Poland and Spain.

Within the History department we run a weekly Horrible Histories lunchtime club which S1 and S2 pupils attend. Here, they can watch, read and create their own Horrible Histories whilst building positive relationships with their peers and teachers. We also run the Rights respecting Schools Group where pupils and teacher collaborate to promote rights across the school. The group has achieved their Bronze level award and is currently working towards silver.

Members of the History Department

Lisa Forbes
Genevieve Docherty
Suzanne Blake